Grieving Families Act – A modern day amendment to New York’s Wrongful Death Law

In New York, if you lose a beloved family member as a result of malpractice or negligence, you can bring a wrongful death claim seeking damages. But, the current law only allows for the recovery of  economic damages and does not allow for the recovery of damages for the pain and suffering or grief caused by your loved one’s death. The time has come to amend New York’s antiquated and discriminatory Wrongful Death Law.

The New York State Senate and New York State Assembly have passed legislation known as the “Grieving Families Act” and sent this proposed amendment to Governor Hochul for her signature.  If it is signed into law, families of wrongful death victims will be able to recover damages for their pain and suffering.

Currently, in New York, the law only allows families of wrongful death victims to recover pecuniary damages or economic damages. These damages are generally calculated based on the earning capacity of the deceased person.

For instance, if the person supporting the family dies in an accident or as a result of medical malpractice, the family can recover damages which might include:

  • Out of pocket expenses
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of financial support
  • The value of services the deceased person would have provided to the family, had they been alive (loss of services).
  • Loss of inheritance that the victim would have left for their loved ones

There is no statutory authority to seek damages for the grief or emotional damages caused by a loved one’s death. For decades, we have argued that this is not fair.  It puts a value on people who work and earn but excludes many in society from seeking compensation where a loved one is lost. If the victim is a stay-at-home parent, an elderly person, a child,  or a disabled person, the family might not be able to recover compensation, due to the lack of provable financial losses.  This is a terrible insult to the lives of our loved ones. 

Most other states recognize that the death of a loved one is measured in ways that don’t only include the amount of money that person brought to the household. The loss of a loved one causes immeasurable grief.  When that loss was caused by someone else’s neglect, it is even worse.  That is what the Grieving Families Act seeks to correct.

Damages Recoverable under the Grieving Families Act

If the act is passed, families of wrongful death victims will be able to recover non-economic damages, which include:

Grief and emotional anguish caused by the victim’s death

Loss of support, protection, and assistance

Loss of nurture, guidance, comfort, companionship, and consortium

The Grieving Families Act significantly increases the measure of damages for families in New York.    We urge Governor Hochul to sign this Act into law. 

The Act can be found at

The attorneys at Abend & Silber have been handling accident cases in New York for decades and have extensive experience in wrongful death cases resulting from negligence, accidents and malpractice.

5 New Lawsuits Add Depth to Doctor Reginald Archibald’s Legacy of Child Sexual Abuse at Rockefeller University Hospital

NY Child Victims Act Prompts 3 Brothers to Break Silence to Each Other, Discover All Were Abused by Same Doctor in Same Way

July 30, 2020 (New York, NY)

Today, on behalf of five brave survivors, attorneys from the law firm of Jeff Anderson & Associates and Abend & Silber, PLLC filed five new child sexual abuse complaints under the New York Child Victims Act (CVA) against Rockefeller University Hospital, alleging abuse by Doctor Reginald Archibald, an endocrinologist and notorious serial child abuser. Of the survivors filing suit today, three are brothers subjected to abuse through Archibald’s “growth studies,” a practice through which it is suspected the doctor was able to abuse hundreds of children.

”Dr. Archibald was a skilled predator who used his position at a distinguished research hospital to lure in trusting parents who unknowingly served their children up to a wolf” said attorney Josh Silber. “As one of our survivor client’s has said repeatedly, as bad as it was to suffer from the abuse, he feels his trusting mother was the real victim here. He was thankful she passed away without ever having known about the atrocities her children suffered at the hands of this acclaimed doctor.”

Plaintiffs and brothers Frank, Joseph, and Vincent Pulizzi were abused from approximately 1959 to 1961 by Archibald during one of his growth studies, but did not discuss their abuse with anyone, not even each other, until recently. News coverage of Archibald and the New York Child Victims Act opened the way for a dialogue between the brothers that revealed they were all living with the same, secret, devastating experience of child sexual abuse by the same doctor.

“It took many years to come to terms with what happened to me as a child. And all these years, I never even knew my own brothers were going through the same emotional trauma. I just hope that no other child has to suffer the way we did and knowing now that it could have been prevented makes it even worse.” – Vincent Pulizzi, survivor

“At this point in my life I chose to pursue justice in the case against Rockefeller University because they knew what Dr. Archibald was doing and should have stopped it. My objective and goal is to never have this happen to anyone again and that no other family be disrupted and negatively affected by a single perverted individual and cover-up by a prestigious institution for so long.” – Joseph Pulizzi, survivor

“I trusted this doctor and he did things that were unspeakable. As children, we didn’t even know that what he was doing was wrong and that causes so many problems in your life. All these years later we now know how this has affected my life and I am glad I am able to seek justice. Now, receiving counseling I have finally been able to learn to trust again and to try to get beyond the guilt and shame I have carried around for so long.” – Frank Pulizzi, survivor

The Pulizzi brothers sharing their stories with each other shed new light on the destruction the abuse had inflicted on them and their family. And similarly, the lawsuits they are bringing today shed light on a legacy of abuse and secrecy across the history of Rockefeller Hospital. Although
multiple investigations have been made into Archibald, it is survivors coming forward that truly exposes the scope and scale of the abuse.
Following a series of sexual abuse reports naming Archibald, hospital administration released a letter to former patients, informing them that “the University retained Debevoise & PlimptonLLP to investigate reports of sexual misconduct by Dr. Archibald.” The resulting report was released on May 23, 2019. Its key findings include:
• Dr. Archibald engaged in acts of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse toward many of his pediatric patients while employed by Rockefeller University Hospital.
• Dr. Archibald took advantage of his position as a trusted and respected physician and researcher, engaged in a widespread pattern of misconduct and sexually abused many children at the Hospital over the course of many years when offering patients medical care and treatment.
• Dr. Archibald typically saw patients once a year, and sometimes more frequently if they were on medication. For comparison purposes, Archibald also sometimes saw siblings who did not have growth or endocrine issues.
• In late 1960, the New York County District Attorney’s Office issued a grand jury subpoena for medical records for two of Archibald’s patients, presumably prompted by a complaint and the then-President of RU was made aware of the investigation.
• The investigation concluded by noting that there were warning signs of Dr. Archibald’s sexual abuse of children that could have been seen, appreciated or further pursued earlier.
”The Child Victims Act has provided an opportunity for these courageous survivors to speak out about the horrors they suffered then and now,” said attorney Jeff Anderson. “Dr. Archibald’s pattern of predation was allowed to continue for decades with the endorsement of a prestigious institution.”

Jeff Anderson: 646.499.3364 (c); 646.759.2551 (o)
Josh Silber: 212.532.7676 (c); 212.532.7575 (o)
Trusha Goffe: 646.995.0616 (c); 646.759.2551 (o)

Lawsuit Filed Against Modern Orthodox Jewish School SAR Academy Under New York Child Victims Act

(Bronx, New York) – A survivor, sexually abused when he was approximately 13 to 14 years old, has sued the private Modern Orthodox Jewish school of Salanter Akiba Riverdale (SAR) Academy under New York’s Child Victims Act (CVA). The CVA is a new law that gives survivors of child sexual abuse until August 13, 2020 to bring lawsuits that were previously time-barred by the statute of limitations, no matter when the abuse occurred. Robert Eckmann was sexually abused as an 8th grader during the 1976 – 1977 school year by the Assistant Principal for General Studies at SAR Academy, Stanley Rosenfeld. The suit is being brought by Jeff Anderson & Associates in collaboration with Abend & Silber, a New York litigation firm. The complaint can be found at (News & Events section) and at

“We have long been aware that there is a serious problem in this culture and at this school,” said Anderson. “The leaders at SAR Academy have hidden the peril at this school for decades and it’s time to address it.” Rosenfeld has admitted to molesting hundreds of boys on and off SAR campus. When asked if anyone at SAR knew he was abusing children, Rosenfeld stated to investigators, “I don’t know if they knew or not. Sometimes it was very possible to see me do that because I wasn’t hiding [the behavior].” Rosenfeld also stated that at some point, SAR Principal Rabbi Sheldon Chwat spoke to him about “doing something wrong” that he characterized as “always faulty touching.”

On August 8, 2000, Rosenfeld was arrested and charged with four counts of Second-Degree Child Molestation for the sexual abuse of a 12-year-old boy. On May 21, 2001, in Rhode Island Superior Court, Rosenfeld pled no contest to Second Degree Child Molestation, received a 10-year suspended sentence and was placed on probation, the terms of which included no contact with children. After violating his probation on September 13, 2002, Rosenfeld was resentenced to 18 months of incarceration. Rosenfeld was required to register as a Level III Sex Offender in Rhode Island upon his release from prison and was placed on probation supervision until May 20, 2011.
In 2018, an investigative firm looked into allegations of sexual abuse committed by Rosenfeld at SAR as a result of Eckmann’s report to the school. The investigation revealed that between 1974 and 1987 Rosenfeld engaged in acts of sexual abuse or other sexually inappropriate behavior with minor students. Among other places, the abuse occurred at Rosenfeld’s home during SAR-sanctioned Shabbat dinners as well as on-campus in the classroom, the office, and hallways. The findings were based on firsthand reports from twelve former SAR students, eleven boys and one girl, as well as one non-SAR student.

This investigation also revealed that Rosenfeld’s sexual misconduct became known to Rabbi Sheldon Schwartz, an SAR Judaic Studies teacher, when two former students separately disclosed to him that Rosenfeld had touched them inappropriately. Moreover, Rabbi Schwartz was present on multiple occasions at Rosenfeld’s home when abuse of the boys occurred. The evidence presented during the investigation further demonstrates that Rosenfeld’s sexual misconduct also became known to former SAR Principal Rabbi Chwat when a former faculty member reported to him that she observed Rosenfeld touch a boy’s groin area in an office at the school. Moreover, the investigation revealed that a “senior member” of SAR recalled Chwat saying that Rosenfeld left SAR in 1977 because he was “the kind of person that has a proclivity or interest in students” and “not the person who should be with kids full time.” Despite this proclivity, Rosenfeld was rehired in 1986 by SAR to teach sixth grade language arts part-time for one year. SAR’s assistant principal at the time, Rabbi Joel Cohn, asked the principal at the time, Rabbi Yonah Fuld, if there were any concerns regarding Rosenfeld. Cohn, recalling that Fuld had been an associate principal while Rosenfeld was employed at SAR, responded, “For a short amount of time, I think it’s okay.”

Throughout the years, SAR placed other employees in positions of power where they were able to sexually abuse minors. According to the investigative firm, Rabbi Sheldon Schwartz was found to have sexually abused at least four students. In September 2019, SAR’s assistant principal, Jonathan Skolnick, was arrested and charged with possession and production of child pornography and the sexual exploitation of a young boy.

“A school’s primary mission is the safety of the children placed in its care,” said Josh Silber of Abend & Silber. “SAR completely ignored this sacred responsibility.”

Contacts – Jeff Anderson & Associates
Jeff Anderson: 646.499.3364 (c), 646.759.2551 (o)
Trusha Goffe: 646.995.0616 (c), 646.759.2551 (o)
Nahid Shaikh: 516.395.3429 (c), 646.759.2551 (o)

Contacts – Abend & Silber
Richard H. Abend: 212.532.5656 (o)
Josh Silber: 212.532.7676 (o)

New York Passes Historic Child Victims Act

The New York State Legislature passed a bill on January 28, 2019 that increases the statute of limitations for cases of child sexual abuse. The legislation was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on February 14, 2019 and took effect on August 14, 2019.

The Child Victims Act will allow survivors of child sexual abuse or assaults to seek prosecution against their abuser and their employers until the age of 55 in civil cases, a significant increase from the previous limit of age 23. For criminal cases, victims can seek prosecution until they turn 28. Most importantly, the bill also includes a one-year window during which victims of any age or time limit can come forward to prosecute. That window is open until August 13, 2020.

According to Cuomo’s office, the new law will provide necessary relief to child victims of sexual abuse by amending New York’s antiquated laws to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions, regardless of when the crime occurred.

This legislation:

  • Increases the amount of time during which perpetrators of these crimes may be held criminally accountable;
  • Allows victims of these crimes to commence a civil lawsuit at any time before they reach 55 years of age;
  • Provides victims whose claims have been time-barred a new opportunity for their day in court by opening a one-year window for them to commence their action;
  • Eliminates the need to file a notice of claim for sexual offenses committed against a minor;
  • Requires judicial training with respect to crimes involving the sexual abuse of minors;
  • Authorizes the Office of Court Administration to promulgate rules and regulations for the timely adjudication of revived actions.

Our law firm is ready to help survivors of child sexual abuse bring their claims during this limited time period. We have been working with national experts in this field and have developed a litigation plan and case management system to effectively assist our clients with these very sensitive matters.

Our firm represents many survivors and we work with all of our clients personally to help make sure these matters are handled so that each client is comfortable. There may even be ways to proceed anonymously.

It is our mission to empower our clients and to use this law to bring about a societal change. No longer should abuse be covered up or ignored. No longer should abusers be protected by their employers, whether they are teachers, clergy, coaches or others who have abused their power. Shedding light on abusers will help prevent future generations from suffering in a way that was acceptable to churches, schools, boy scout or girl scout troops and other institutions in generations past. It is our belief that this law will protect the next generation of children. If abusers know that survivors of their abuse will take legal action against them, they will be less likely to commit these serious offenses. We take our mission seriously and personally.

We are here to help you. Call us today – (212) 532-7575


The Difficulty of Getting Physicians to Testify Against Other Physicians in Malpractice Suits

Not unlike the “blue wall of silence” wherein police officers hesitate to testify against other officers’ misdeeds, the medical profession has its own “white wall of silence” that underscores how difficult it is to get doctors to testify against other doctors in malpractice suits.

Recently, a twenty-year-old case has come to the forefront of discussion when a physician who was a witness for the defendant in a medical malpractice suit lied under oath by testifying that he had no knowledge of his colleague’s substandard work in a case where a patient suffered harm and permanent disability as a direct result of his surgeon’s negligence. The jury found for the surgeon in this case.

Dr. Lars Aaning from South Dakota confessed that his actions have haunted him for two decades. Since Aaning has retired, he decided to come clean and possibly shed light on why it is so difficult for plaintiffs to obtain expert testimony in medical malpractice lawsuits. On his behalf—and to rectify his own moral compass—Aaning has become a patient advocate and helps the medical malpractice lawyer who represented the patient in the aforementioned case.

One has to wonder how prevalent similar behavior occurs—how many other physicians lie to protect their colleagues. There is a fear of retaliation among medical professionals for speaking up in cases where patients are harmed; however, an alarming number of physicians have admitted that they are not truly in favor of informing patients of mistakes.

Aaning claimed he did not view his actions as lying per se, but simply supporting his colleague, and the pressure placed on physicians by their peers is the norm in the medical profession. Despite the American Medical Association (AMA) and American College of Surgeons asserting that physicians should always advocate for their patients, the doctor who does not stick up for his peers, regardless of the behavior, will feel pressure and stigma—sometimes serious enough for the physician to risk his/her own morality. As Anning confessed, he has carried the guilt of his actions for nearly two decades, and whereas it is too late—and too painful—to consider the actual weight his testimony had on the case’s outcome, he wanted to share his experiences and bring greater awareness to this far too common problem.

At Abend & Silber we work with outstanding and courageous medical experts in many specialties.  For more information, or if you have suffered harm by a medical professional, please contact us.


2016 Super Lawyers Announcement: Abend and Silber Selected

Richard Abend and Josh Silber were recently named to the 2016 Super Lawyers List for Metro New York in their primary practice areas of Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice. For Abend, this year marks his second back-to-back inclusion on the “Top 100” list.

abend-silber-top-100-superlawyersThe 2016 Super Lawyers List, a publication of Thomson Reuters, was created as a trustworthy, thorough and diverse resource for finding legal counsel in individual states and areas of practice. Inclusion on the list is limited to lawyers who can be retained by the public, as it was designed as a resource for consumers and other attorneys. Selections for the 2016 Super Lawyers List are made following a three-step process that includes peer nominations, extensive third-party research and individual reviews by highly credentialed lawyers within specialty primary practice areas.

2016 Super Lawyers of Metro New York candidates cannot nominate themselves, but join the candidate pool via managing partner surveys, peer nominations, third-party feedback or identification by Super Lawyer researchers. Candidates are evaluated through independent research using 12 categories of peer recognition and professional achievement: verdicts and settlements, transactions, representative clients, experience, honors and awards, special licenses and certifications, law firm positions, bar and professional activity, pro bono work and community service, scholarly lectures and writings, education and employment background, as well as other outstanding achievements. A Blue Ribbon Panel of specialists then conducts a thorough peer review of each candidate. Super Lawyers compiles the list of final selections to include no more than five percent of the total number of attorneys in New York.


Recent Efforts to Reduce Crane Accidents in New York City

In February 2016, a crane being lowered flipped over when struck by 20 mph winds, sending its 565-foot-long arm plummeting to the ground on Worth Street and West Broadway, killing one Wall Street employee and injuring three other people. In response to the incident, the city secured 43 tower cranes and 376 crawler cranes pending investigation.

Over the past decade, the Department of Buildings (DOB) has issued several reforms regarding crane project regulation; however, a 2014 audit revealed that only 12 percent of the safety recommendations had been implemented.

Since 2009, construction in New York City has increased 300 percent. Most crane accidents occur at building with fewer than ten stories. In 2015 alone, 70 percent of crane accidents occurred at projects of fewer than ten stories.

To address the  problem of crane accidents in NYC, the mayor and DOB have created a comprehensive plan to improve safety at construction sites.

History of Crane Accidents in New York City

  • October 2007—Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park
  • December 2007—Battery Park City building
  • March 2008—Midtown East, seven fatalities and 24 injuries; the rigging contractor was subsequently acquitted of manslaughter
  • May 2008—Upper East side, two fatalities; the crane company owner was acquitted but was later sued in civil court.
  • April 2012—one fatality due to a falling crane at a subway construction site
  • January 2013—seven workers were injured when a crane collapsed in Queens
  • April 2013—one worker died due to a malfunctioning hydraulics on a boom truck that caused the crane to collapse
  • May 2015—a mobile crane dropped a 13-ton air conditioner in Manhattan, injuring ten people

In addition to these incidents where people were hurt or killed, there have also been several close calls, most notably during Superstorm Sandy near Carnegie Hall.

Due to criticism waged against her office for failing to ensure construction site safety, former NYC Buildings Commissioner Patricia Lancaster resigned in April 2008.

Current Efforts to Improve Crane Safety

Mayor Bill de Blasio and DOB Commissioner Rick Chandler announced enhanced penalties for serious construction safety lapses and increased enforcement sweeps, as well as mandating greater supervision at construction sites. These efforts are part of a $120 million modernization plan that also includes:

  • Raising penalties for serious safety lapses from $2,400 to $10,000
  • Increasing penalties for projects without an on-site construction superintendent from $5,000 to as much as $25,000
  • Conducting sweeps of contractors with poor safety records at projects of fewer than ten stories
  • Increasing oversight at projects of fewer than ten stories

Additionally, the DOB adopted greater safety measures including hiring more inspectors, expanding inspection checklists, requiring construction companies to file plans for crane erection/dismantling, and mandating crane operators to complete 30 hours of initial training and eight-hour refresher training every three years.

Of particular concern is that at any one time, at least 300 cranes are operating within New York City.

At Abend & Silber we know how construction accidents can cause serious injury and hardship for workers and their families. New York has strong Labor Laws to protect workers from injuries on the job and it is critical that these laws remain in effect so that property owners and contractors will prioritize worker safety in all NYC construction sites.

For more information about crane safety and new regulations, or for any other questions, please contact us.


Forced Arbitration In Nursing Homes Can Lead To Increased Abuse

As much as we’d like to think it doesn’t happen, there have been numerous reports of our elderly loved ones suffering abuse at the hands of nursing homes. Even those nursing homes with the best reputations are going to run into an employee who commits some form of abuse or neglect at one time or another.

Unfortunately, this problem is exacerbated because many nursing homes are attempting to shield themselves from liability for abuse or negligence by including forced arbitration clauses in their admissions agreements. Why is going to arbitration to resolve an issue such a negative these days?

In a nutshell, it restricts the rights of a nursing home patient when they have a problem with the facility. Should the patient, or their family believe a nursing home is negligent, they cannot take the nursing home to court.

This is especially a problem in a state like New York, where City & State pointed out a recent investigation that found private arbitrators in the area usually favored repeat customers. In this case, these repeat customers are the very nursing homes that have been alleged to have committed or allowed the abuse.

The kicker, when it comes to New York and some other states, is they have laws in place that are supposed to make it illegal to put forced arbitration clauses into residential agreements. Unfortunately, although New York’s law states these arbitration clauses are against public policy, a recent appellate decision held that New York courts are bound by the Federal Arbitration Act which allows these unjust forced arbitration clauses. Richard Abend was recently quoted in an article stating if the decision is upheld, “it will result in the denial of justice to nursing home residents that have been the victims of negligence” and will remove “a powerful incentive” for nursing homes to provide quality nursing care.

What does all this mean to you? The fight is still ongoing, and there is hope forced arbitration clauses in nursing home admissions agreements will eventually be found unlawful in New York like our legislators wisely intended when New York’s Public Health Law was enacted.

The lawyers at Abend & Silber are currently working on such a case and we are fighting to maintain the right to a jury trial for injured New Yorkers. If you feel a loved one is suffering from abuse or negligence at a nursing home, contact us to find out your options.


Vision Zero and Efforts to Reduce Injuries and Deaths on New York Streets

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced in January 2014 the City’s adoption of Vision Zero to reduce fatal accidents on the City’s streets. Vision Zero recognizes that traffic injuries and deaths are not mere accidents but, instead, preventable incidents.

While traffic fatalities in New York have decreased by 34 percent since 2005, City legislators say more can and should be done.

Vision Zero Background

Vision Zero began in October 1997 in Sweden with the goal of creating a highway system with no serious injuries or fatalities due to road traffic. Vision Zero operates on several principles:

  • Ethics: human life and health take priority over every aspect of the road system
  • Responsibility: must be shared by users, providers, and regulators of the road system
  • Safety: traffic systems should seek to minimize the potential of human error and resulting harm
  • Mechanisms for change: cooperation among road users, providers, and regulators is critical to guarantee human safety
  • Traffic-related injuries and deaths are unacceptable and preventable
  • Traffic safety solutions should be holistic
  • Safety is the primary consideration in any road system

In New York

The statistics are staggering. In New York alone, approximately 4,000 individuals are seriously injured with over 250 killed each year as a result of traffic accidents. In fact, being hit by a vehicle is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 14, and the second leading cause for the elderly.

According to a report by the New York Police Department, in May 2016 alone there were 19,911 motor vehicle accidents, with 3,815 of them resulting in injury or death. The majority of vehicles involved were passenger and sports utility vehicles, and the most common reason for accidents was driver inattention/distraction which occurred in 5,699 collisions.

Of the boroughs, Brooklyn and Queens had the most accidents (over 5,600 each), and Staten Island had the fewest with 1,122. For a complete breakdown by precinct and borough, including the number of fatalities, injuries, reasons for accidents, and other data, the report can be accessed here.

Vision Zero and the Future

The City’s adoption of Vision Zero comes with it a host of new commitments and tools designed to improve street safety throughout the state. Among the issues to be addressed include:

  • Enhanced law enforcement against dangerous drivers
  • New street designs
  • Increased public outreach, communication, and collaboration
  • Sweeping legislation to increase penalties for dangerous drivers

Proponents of the Vision Zero system cite the success seat belt laws had in increasing seat belt use from 20 percent in 1985 to over 88 percent today.

Improving New York’s road system safety requires not only government and legislative action but also citizen participation in cultivating a mutually beneficial partnership toward the common goal of safer streets for everyone.

To view an interactive map of all New York traffic accidents, please visit the Vision Zero site.

At Abend & Silber we understand how serious injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents can cause pain and suffering for the victim and their family. We fully support efforts to reduce the number of accidents and injuries in New York.

For more information, please contact us.

Medical Malpractice in New York: Why You Need an Attorney

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. after heart disease and cancer. Even though medical errors kill around 200,000 people annually in the U.S., only 15 percent of personal injury lawsuits result in medical malpractice claims. Many patients are unaware they have been the victims of medical malpractice.

Here’s what you need to know and what to do if you are a victim of medical malpractice in New York.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Understanding what constitutes medical malpractice is the crucial first step. A successful lawsuit contains several elements that the plaintiff has the burden to prove:

  • A legitimate provider-patient relationship establishing a “duty” of care.
  • Medical care—or lack thereof—that fell below the accepted medical standards.
  • A causal connection between the provider’s actions or inactions and the patient’s harm.
  • Damages to the patient.

Continue reading “Medical Malpractice in New York: Why You Need an Attorney”