Tag: Medical Malpractice

Grieving Families Act – A modern day amendment to New York’s Wrongful Death Law

In New York, if you lose a beloved family member as a result of malpractice or negligence, you can bring a wrongful death claim seeking damages. But, the current law only allows for the recovery of  economic damages and does not allow for the recovery of damages for the pain and suffering or grief caused by your loved one’s death. The time has come to amend New York’s antiquated and discriminatory Wrongful Death Law.

The New York State Senate and New York State Assembly have passed legislation known as the “Grieving Families Act” and sent this proposed amendment to Governor Hochul for her signature.  If it is signed into law, families of wrongful death victims will be able to recover damages for their pain and suffering.

Currently, in New York, the law only allows families of wrongful death victims to recover pecuniary damages or economic damages. These damages are generally calculated based on the earning capacity of the deceased person.

For instance, if the person supporting the family dies in an accident or as a result of medical malpractice, the family can recover damages which might include:

  • Out of pocket expenses
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of financial support
  • The value of services the deceased person would have provided to the family, had they been alive (loss of services).
  • Loss of inheritance that the victim would have left for their loved ones

There is no statutory authority to seek damages for the grief or emotional damages caused by a loved one’s death. For decades, we have argued that this is not fair.  It puts a value on people who work and earn but excludes many in society from seeking compensation where a loved one is lost. If the victim is a stay-at-home parent, an elderly person, a child,  or a disabled person, the family might not be able to recover compensation, due to the lack of provable financial losses.  This is a terrible insult to the lives of our loved ones. 

Most other states recognize that the death of a loved one is measured in ways that don’t only include the amount of money that person brought to the household. The loss of a loved one causes immeasurable grief.  When that loss was caused by someone else’s neglect, it is even worse.  That is what the Grieving Families Act seeks to correct.

Damages Recoverable under the Grieving Families Act

If the act is passed, families of wrongful death victims will be able to recover non-economic damages, which include:

Grief and emotional anguish caused by the victim’s death

Loss of support, protection, and assistance

Loss of nurture, guidance, comfort, companionship, and consortium

The Grieving Families Act significantly increases the measure of damages for families in New York.    We urge Governor Hochul to sign this Act into law. 

The Act can be found at https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/S74

The attorneys at Abend & Silber have been handling accident cases in New York for decades and have extensive experience in wrongful death cases resulting from negligence, accidents and malpractice.

Medical Malpractice in New York: Why You Need an Attorney

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. after heart disease and cancer. Even though medical errors kill around 200,000 people annually in the U.S., only 15 percent of personal injury lawsuits result in medical malpractice claims. Many patients are unaware they have been the victims of medical malpractice.

Here’s what you need to know and what to do if you are a victim of medical malpractice in New York.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Understanding what constitutes medical malpractice is the crucial first step. A successful lawsuit contains several elements that the plaintiff has the burden to prove:

  • A legitimate provider-patient relationship establishing a “duty” of care.
  • Medical care—or lack thereof—that fell below the accepted medical standards.
  • A causal connection between the provider’s actions or inactions and the patient’s harm.
  • Damages to the patient.

Continue reading “Medical Malpractice in New York: Why You Need an Attorney”

New York Medical Malpractice News

According to safety researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical School, even the most preventable surgical errors are still happening at alarming levels.  These “never events” like operating on the wrong body part or leaving medical instruments inside a patient’s body are happening dozens of times every week across the country.  And, according to the researchers, these types of medical mistakes are totally preventable.

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Failure to Timely Diagnose Infection Leads to NYU Child’s Death

nytimes-logo-abend-silberMedical malpractice can happen even at the best hospitals.  The New York Times reports that 12 year old Rory Staunton’s death at NYU Medical Center was caused by the failure to timely diagnose an infection.  The article suggests that despite obvious signs of infection the medical doctors completely failed to make the diagnosis and discharged Rory home.  Unfortunately, by the time the infection was finally diagnosed it was too late for Rory and his family.  What is particularly troubling is that abnormal results from a routine blood test, suggesting an infection, were not properly communicated to Rory’s doctors or his family.  NYU is considered by many to be a world class medical institution and this story illustrates how even the best hospitals and the doctors who work there can make mistakes, as is alleged.

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